SCAS News - 28 February, 2022

Standing Up for Democracy and Freedom – A Message from SCAS

At this dark moment of European history, core values of democracy and freedom are under
attack. Consonant with our mission to protect and nurture independent inquiry and academic
freedom worldwide, the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study stands up for democracy
and freedom in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and the victims of the armed conflict in
Ukraine and beyond. We honour and respect those who raise their voices in defense of demo-
cracy and freedom and who speak out against violence and oppression. We strongly reaffirm
our commitment to human rights, dialogue, and social justice that places the human being, life,
and respect for the sovereignty and integrity of all states at the core of our activities.

At the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, we will do our best to support scholars in
our community who are affected by this crisis, as much as it is in our power to do so. We
will continue to take the greatest care that our community remains distinguished by respect,
solidarity, and care.